Rediscovering Freedom

At Thrive you will receive personalized hands-on care with options of 55-minute, 85-minute, or 115- minute treatment sessions, as well as options for private Pilates reformer sessions as an adjunct to your rehab or as a personal training session. You have the ability to move and feel better at any age- do not settle for a "plateau" or for a "rest and see what happens" approach. Whether you are an athlete from elementary school age to a professional, or you just want work, garden, or play with your grandchildren- we can help! Do not assume that your back, neck, or joint pain is just because you are "getting old" or that your child's pain is just "growing pains".
Hi, I'm Jenny, a Milford resident and manual therapy based physical therapist located in Milford, Ohio in the Thrive Wellness Center- just off of the highway and right down the street from all of the outdoor fun that downtown Milford has to offer. As a practicing physical therapist with over 20 years of experience, I know how debilitating an injury of any degree can be when it sidelines you from your favorite sport, hobby, or activity. You do not have to let pain stand in your way of playing with your kids or grandchildren or preventing you from participating in your favorite activity at your fullest potential. People of all ages experience pain. You have the potential at any age to improve. Do not let any pain or injury prevent you from enjoying your freedom.
Contact me to see how I may be able to help you thrive to be your very best.